MDAC is a required step in the journey toward ordination. Discover your gifts, develop as a leader, participate in peer learning, and gain a better understanding of your leadership style as well as self-awareness of areas needed for growth and greater effectiveness. Application deadline is August 22.
SPARK is a 3-day/2-night retreat for children’s volunteers, children’s leaders, children’s pastors, and lead pastors, and SPARK is coming to Northwestern Ohio on October Oct 5 – 7, 2023.
We have purchased 25 tickets (value of $99 per ticket) for pastors and church leaders in our district to get immersed in what it means to become a multiplying church that makes disciples and sends out teams to start new works. Are you ready to join us in Naperville?
A required event for all local and district licensed ministers.
Friday, March 1-Saturday, March 2.
The District Center/Cross Oak Camp, in St Marys.
Gold Weekend is a comprehensive event is designed to enrich and equip the next generation of pastors in our tribe...building a solid foundation in Nazarene doctrine, theology, and church polity, as well as building practical ministry and leadership skills. They will be learning alongside some of the most effective pastors in our district as they are immersed in equipping and teaching sessions, worship, mentoring, and peer sharing.
EXCITING NEWS: In conjunction with the Southwest Ohio District, The Northwest Ohio Nazarenes have the opportunity to come alongside Rescue Hill. Rescue Hill is a Nazarene Compassionate Ministry Center in the heart of Arlington, Texas with a focus in Anti-Human Trafficking. It is the only CMC of its kind on the USA/Canada region and is making a huge impact across the US in the anti-trafficking fight.
Pastors and Leaders Conference (PALCON) is a gathering designed for all Nazarene clergy – pastors, chaplains, evangelists, staff ministers, missionaries, educators, and students. The conference features worship gatherings and learning conversations shaped by a common theme and aimed at inspiring and equipping women and men in ministry. Each PALCON venue features its own set of plenary speakers and presenters and a unique daily schedule.
The Ministry Development and Assessment Center is a required weekend for all NWO district-licensed ministers to help them discover their greatest gifts, develop as a leader, experience a collaborative peer learning environment, and be encouraged - all the while gaining a better understanding of their leadership style and providing self-aware of areas needed for growth and greater effectiveness. MDAC is a prerequisite step in the journey toward ordination.
Both the candidate and spouse (if married) must participate in the entire weekend event. The weekend begins at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Friday and will go through Sunday at approximately noon.
There is a significant amount of preparation for the event.
An application for both the candidate and the spouse must be filled out ahead of the event, plus three separate assessments for both the candidate and the spouse.
Email Chip Bullock at to register and receive the application.
The applications as well as the assessments must be completed ahead of time, with a deadline of Monday, August 19.
The Ministry Development and Assessment Center is a required weekend for all NWO district-licensed ministers to help them discover their greatest gifts, develop as a leader, experience a collaborative peer learning environment, and be encouraged - all the while gaining a better understanding of their leadership style and providing self-aware of areas needed for growth and greater effectiveness. MDAC is a prerequisite step in the journey toward ordination.
Both the candidate and spouse (if married) must participate in the entire weekend event. The weekend begins at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Friday and will go through Sunday at approximately noon.
There is a significant amount of preparation for the event.
An application for both the candidate and the spouse must be filled out ahead of the event, plus three separate assessments for both the candidate and the spouse.
Email Chip Bullock at to register and receive the application.
The applications as well as the assessments must be completed ahead of time, with a deadline of Monday, August 19.
This 2-1/2-day assessment is designed to evaluate future Church Planters & Campus Pastors’ readiness and capacity for launching new starts--either through church planting or through a multi-site approach.
The M25 Conference will help pastors and church leaders grow in their ability and effectiveness to share the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Attendees will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered in new and creative ways to share the gospel! The agenda for the conference includes plenary speakers, break-out workshops, affinity group meetings, and corporate worship time. Participants will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to engage in new ways to bring people to Jesus. Jesus is calling all people to Himself and as believers, we are co-workers in the work of evangelism.