August 2016

Aug 1, 2016

Dear friends,

In recent months, we have been rolling out A NEW NWO. Included in this “new” is a shift in our organizational system, in which we will be “network coordinated.”

In simple form, our district will be divided into seven regions, led by teams of pastors. These networks will provide means of integration and support for our pastors by other pastors, along with the development and implementation of shared mission endeavors, new churches, compassionate ministries, unified services, youth and children’s events, etc. in those regions.

NWO August blog artAt the Pastors’ BIG DAY on Aug. 30, Network Coordinators will be introduced, and other leaders will be selected.

Another part of A NEW NWO is our means of “lifelong learning” for our pastors. Recently, I met with a team of 15 persons to initiate our new system. Pastors will be meeting once a month for three hours in discussion-sized groups (6-8 people) to discuss missional ministry. There will be nine of these groups, all with different “topics,” but all related to effective ministry. These will begin on Aug. 30, as well.

There is more to the NEW NWO. Today, as I write, is Rev. Jacob Hawes’ first day fulltime as New Ministries Initiator for NWO. This is EXCITING and holds tremendous promise!! I am challenging all of NWO to rally around “good newsing” in word and deed in the heart of Toledo. You can join the Prayer Team for Toledo simply by emailing

As I thought about the word “new,” I wondered what the Bible said about “new.” Some familiar verses came to mind: “If any man is in Christ Jesus he is a new creation …”  or the references in Revelation to the coming “new heaven and new earth,” for which we long. I thought about “the mercies of the Lord are new every morning.”

However, my big surprise was that more than anything else in Scripture, “new” is referenced in regard to wine. Now … you will probably be relieved to know that I do not know much about wine. However, it is easy to ascertain from these verses that, at least in the day in which they were written, “new wine” was premium. It is symbolic of life being “at its best.” It is the antithesis of “dried up”, “flat,” “stale.”

So, many things are going to be “new” for NWO in the coming months. However, more than a new organizational system, we thirst for the “new wine” of the Lord in us and our churches.

“The LORD replied to them: “I am sending you grain, new wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy you fully …” May it be so.

Yours for “NEW,”