July 2019

Jun 27, 2019

Dear friends …

The Gathering 2019 started with the Lima Community Choir singing, “I’m Living In the Overflow.” While testimonial and inspirational for sure, it proved to be prophetic for me.

Here I am two weeks away, and yet every day (actually several times a day) my mind recalls something from that week. Baptisms … Youth Night … Ordination Service … District Assembly … NMI Convention … The Celebration of Life and Family. With such I am indeed “living in the overflow.”

“Thank you” to and for so many people who made The Gathering happen. There are the people we see who so wonderfully lead us in worship and fed us the Word of God in preaching. I keep going back to those services and events. Other people want to tell me about a message or service that really spoke to/blessed/helped/challenged/enlightened them. The increased sales of service recordings were an indicator of how much these services meant.

Then there were so many individuals behind the scenes serving in so many ways and places. The facilities and hospitality teams had the grounds beautifully prepared despite weeks of downpours. The food was delicious. The snack shack folks gave us a ready excuse to eat a little, talk a little and laugh a lot with one another. The children’s workers blessed our families. Molly kept us safe in the pool. Youth leadership did a great job with Youth Day. Others did so many “little things” that really were “big things.” To each and every one, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

The offerings and pledges for the camp so far exceed $60,000. We continue to receive offerings and pledges in the mail almost daily. Thank you to everyone who supports the camp in this way. We really and truly could not make the camp operate without your support. Feel free to send an offering or pledge to the District Office at 272 Jack Oak Point Road, St. Marys, OH 45885. If you would like, you can email us at nwodist@bright.net and let us know of your pledge or ask how you can give electronically. THANK YOU!!!

Most of all I want to thank our LORD, who heard and answered our prayers. He poured out His Spirit, anointed His people with fresh touches, taught us The Word. 

Here’s to “living in the overflow.”

Geoff Kunselman

(FYI … The Gathering dates for 2020 are June 14-21.)