hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Bible study for Grades 1-6
CHILDREN’s BIble Quizzing
Children’s Quizzing is a six-year program with a competition element, designed for children 6 to 12 years old or in school grades 1-6. All ages can use all sections of the study, however, some sections have been especially planned with beginning readers or preteens in mind.
If you’d like to stay informed of upcoming quiz meets and quizzing news, join the NWO Coach’s Corner!
2024-2025 Quiz Meets
Field (Regional)
Field (Regional)
Dig Sites 1-20 Time TBD
Locations for practice quiz meets and the Zone/Network quiz are not yet confirmed. If your church would like to host one of these quizzes, please contact Karen Williams, District Quiz Director.

Six-Year Scope and Sequence
There are six books in the Children’s Bible Quizzing study series that have been specifically chosen for children to gain an overarching understanding of the chronology and meaning of the Bible. The people in each lesson come to life as kids learn about their humanity and God’s plan to make all things new. While God sometimes uses miracles to achieve His purposes, He often works in relationship with His beloved creation: people.
Each book in the Children’s Quizzing curriculum has been chosen intentionally to help children gain an overall understanding of the chronology of the Bible. The six studies in the scope and sequence are:
- Studies in Matthew (2023-24)
- Studies in Acts (2024-25)
- Studies in Genesis (2025-26)
- Studies in Exodus (2026-2027)
- Studies in Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (2027-2028)
- Studies in 1 & 2 Samuel (2028-2029)
These six books were chosen because together they give the overall chronology of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, and a “snapshot” of the Bible.
- The series begins with the Creation account, the first people, and the Patriarchs (Genesis).
- It continues with the Israelites living in and leaving Egypt (Exodus), and follows them as they establish themselves in Canaan (Joshua, Judges, & Ruth, and 1 & 2 Samuel).
- The two New Testament books center on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (Matthew), and tell how the gospel of salvation came to the Gentiles (Acts).
Philosophy and purpose of quizzing
The philosophy of Children’s Quizzing is Bible study. It is important to help children know what the Bible says and help them demonstrate biblical teachings in actual life situations. The goal of Children’s Quizzing is for children to know the God of the Bible.
The purpose of Children’s Quizzing Bible study and competition is to help children:
- Desire to study the Bible.
- Get acquainted with basic Bible study.
- Grow in understanding of the overall chronology of the Bible.
- Learn that God is the central character and Hero of the Bible.
- Gain increased understanding of God as He is revealed in each study.
- Understand how people in the Bible interacted with God, and know how people today may do so also.
- Enjoy quizzing competition.
- Grow in the ability to reflect Christian attitudes and behaviors during competition.
In Children’s Bible Quizzing, each child challenges himself or herself to reach award levels. In this approach, children quiz against a base of knowledge, not each other. The multiple-choice method of competition allows every child to answer every question. This approach makes it possible for every child to score a perfect score.
Curriculum and characters
Dr. Digalot, a famous archeologist and his sidekick, Canteen the Camel, lead the way as children study each week’s passage. There are twenty Dig Sites (weekly lessons) on the “expedition” known as Go and Make Disciples!
More information about Dr. Digalot:
Full Name: Dr. Likes T. Digalot
Place of Birth: Midda Nowhere
Favorite Pastimes: Discovering God’s Word, storytelling, keeping a diary of his discoveries…and soccer.
Collections: Books (especially the Bible), old maps, objects from his adventures that he keeps in his suitcase
Dr. Digalot’s Diary: A weekly “diary” entry helps frame the Dig Site (weekly lesson) with a whimsical twist and fictional plotline.
Time Warp: Activities designed to engage children in a fun way as they “time warp” back to the ancient days being studied
ARTI-FACTS: Important factis, Faith Words, other vocabulary words, and names of people, places, and things that children gather from each Dig Site. Most important of the ARTI-FACTS are God’s Characteristics–key qualities in God’s nature and being that are revealed as He interacts with the people and situations in the narrative.
Click here to view this year’s curriculum!
Curriculum Features:
- Teaching Tips: Ideas for teaching the Dig Site in the most effective ways possible.
- Discussion Questions: Additional questions that naturally spring out of the narrative being studied to help spur thinking and conversation with the children.
- Dig Deeper: Extra ideas for leaders and groups who want additional study on the topic of the Dig Site. This section was also designed with home school families in mind. Suggestions include areas to study such as: reading, math, science, creative writing, and extra Bible study.
- Canteen’s Questions: Supplemental questions that appear only in the Leader’s Guide to help kids review the facts learned in each Dig Site. Since these questions do not provide multiple-choice answers, they require kids to think on a deeper level.
- Preteen Secret Passage: Takes each Dig Site to the next level, with special games, activities, and discussion questions designed with 5th and 6th graders in mind.
- Features for Beginning Readers:
- A storytelling component helps children learn the lessons a different way
- 20 Motions–one for each Dig Site (lesson)–help children learn the essential idea of each Dig Site through physical movement. When children string all 20 motions together, they will know the essence of the entire book they have studied.
About the Competition
Competition is an optional part of the Children’s Bible Quizzing ministry. Each church and each child decide if they want to participate in a series of competition events.
All competitions are to be held in accordance with the “Children’s Quizzing Official Competition Rules and Procedures.”
In Children’s Bible Quizzing, children do not compete against each other to determine one winner. Churches do not compete against each other to determine the top church.
Children’s Quizzing provides Bible study review and competition questions for two levels of ability and comprehension.
- The RED Level is for younger children, beginning readers, and older quizzers who need or desire a simpler level of review and competition. RED Level competition questions include some from Dr. Digalot’s Challenge in the Children’s Quizzing curriculum plus rewritten questions and entirely new questions.
- The BLUE Level is for older children, better readers, and younger quizzers who need or desire an advanced form of review and competition. BLUE Level competition questions include some from Dr. Digalot’s Challenge, plus rewritten questions and entirely new questions. These questions require a higher level of thought processing.
Although the RED and BLUE Levels of review questions are developed for particular comprehension levels, they are not limited to certain grades. Children can use either level, depending on whether they desire an easier or an advanced level of review.
Invitational Quiz: This is a non-qualifying quiz at different locations throughout the year.
Network Quiz: This is the first qualifying quiz of the year. It’s typically held in February or March and covers all Dig Sites. Students must get 50% correct to move on to the next quiz.
District Quiz: This is the second qualifying quiz of the year. It is typically held in March or April (depending on when Easter falls) at the district center. Students must get a score of 80% or above to move on to the next quiz.
Regional Quiz: This quiz is typically held mid-May at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Registration for this quiz opens after the District Quiz has taken place.
Digging into Matthew (2023-2024)
Studies in Matthew is a Bible study—kid’s style! There are major lesson sections dedicated to active learning. Kids get into Matthew and learn what the Bible says. Activities are specifically geared to help children immerse themselves in the ancient world, learning what life was like for Jesus and the disciples. Each week children build their spiritual vocabulary as they incorporate FAITH WORDS into their everyday lives. Characteristics of God are revealed in each weekly Dig Site to help children learn who God is, what He is like, and how He interacts with people.
What Kids Learn in Studies in Matthew:
- God sent his Son, Jesus to earth to be the promised Savior. Jesus grew up in Nazareth. His mother was Mary and his earthly father was Joseph.
- Jesus began his ministry by being baptized by John the Baptist. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, he resisted it and did not sin.
- Jesus taught many truths in the Sermon on the Mount. He taught new ways of looking at the Old Testament laws and practices.
- Jesus healed many who were sick and performed many miracles.
- Jesus called 12 disciples to follow him. He sent them out to heal the sick and join him in building the kingdom of heaven. Among these miracles, he fed the 5,000 people, walked on water, and calmed a stormy sea.
- Jesus taught using parables to teach the people about the kingdom of heaven and the Second Coming.
- Before Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem, and the people praised him. As the week went on, the chief priests plotted to kill him, and one of his disciples, Judas, agreed to turn him in.
- During the Passover feast, Jesus gave new meaning to the bread and wine. Then, he went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, praying for God’s will to be done.
- Jesus was tried and sentenced to death on the cross. He died and was buried.
- On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead! He gave his disciples the Great Commission, telling them to go and make disciples of all nations!
Go and Make Disciples is the theme for Studies in Matthew. Through inductive Bible study and fun activities, Dr. Digalot and Canteen “time warp” back to Bible times and travel with Jesus and his disciples. As kids learn about Jesus’ life and ministry, they are reminded of the importance of following and serving him!
Along the way, Dr. Digalot and Canteen discover how to go and make disciples!
Study Schedule & quiz dates
This is an example of our study timeframe:
- September/October: Dig Sites 1-5
- October/November: Dig Sites 6-10
- November/December: Dig Sites 11-15
- January/February: Dig Sites 15-20
- March/April: Dig Sites 1-20


Karen Williams
District Children's Quiz Director