June 2016

Jun 7, 2016

Welcome to the new NWO website. This is just one more piece in our NEW NWO .


On the first day of each month I will be writing on this page. With all of my creative juices
flowing I thought I would call such, “First Day”. The purpose of such will be to provide
information about life “across the district” or whatever happens to be on my mind about then
(probably some of both). However, for today, allow me a moment to explain the purpose of this
website going forward.


As I thought about a new district website I asked, “What do we want, and what don’t we want?”
One, I want it to be current. Websites should not be historical documents. Two, I want it to be
simple to navigate. In other words I want to be able to use it. Three, I want it to provide quality
information about “who, what, where, when, and how.” At the same time I want it to be succinct.
Too much is too much. Four, we want to be able to highlight upcoming district events. The
“sliders” at the top of this page will do just that.


From this site you will be able to link to other district ministries in the (hopefully) near future.
Each ministry will be responsible for maintaining and updating their pages and sites. When you
have questions about those respective ministries please contact the persons in those ministries.
If after that you do not receive a reply send us a note or call the district office, and we will try to
be of help.


The purpose of a district website is different than a local church’s website. Whereas a local
church’s website is designed as much for those who are not yet part of that local fellowship, a
district website is primarily for those who are already “in the church”. Thus, this site and your
local church’s should be different.


An important tab on this website is the District Journal. In the journal is a wealth of information
regarding other church leaders, phone numbers, district leaders contact information, reports,
statistical data, etc…


For more information regarding the broader ministries of the Church of the Nazarene we
suggest nazarene.org or for matters specifically related to USA/Canada Church of the Nazarene
you can visit usacanadaregion.org.


Welcome to the new NWO website. Come back as often as you like. And… if you are looking
for someone to help you with a website, allow me to suggest Ryan Douglas at
ryandouglascreative.com. He has been most helpful and responsive in this process.


Grace and Peace,
Geoff Kunselman
District Superintendent