June 2017

Jun 1, 2017

Dear friend …
More people get married in June than any other month.
Mona and I were married in June, three weeks after college graduation. I just read the statistics on what a wedding costs today. It’s a good thing we got married back then.
This is one of those ends-in “5” year anniversaries for us. Those and the “0” years seem to be the ones you especially need to remember (although I would not recommend a husband forget any of the others, either). So I tried to remember our “5” and “0” anniversaries.
At 5, we were moving to a new church. On 10, we did a tour of Kentucky. Then, 15 was General Assembly in San Antonio. And 20, back to the B&B of our honeymoon in Hot Springs, VA. They had traded out their well-appointed room for one decorated in fake ducks and camouflage. Not too romantic, but funny.
No. 25 was Jackson Hole, WY, an absolutely beautiful place. And 30 was NWO District Assembly, and that brings us to 35. I am free, but Mona will be taking care of the Royal Family Kids Kamp folks. I might go to DQ for cake and ice cream.
I am grateful Mona married me. The church she grew up in did not always treat their pastors well, so her idea of marrying a preacher was not favorable. However, we have had a truly wonderful life together. She is my friend, confidant and helper (and sweetheart, too). However, after sitting through what probably amounts to years of my life listening and counseling with couples, I would reiterate the wedding ceremony ritual that states, “Marriage is not to be entered unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly and in the fear of God.” Marrying well matters. Marrying poorly is one of life’s deepest sorrows.
A young man recently asked me about “sacraments.” He said, “Well, you know __________ (fill in the denomination) believe marriage is a sacrament.” He and I agreed that isn’t always so. But I will testify from personal experience that it can be “a means of grace.”
If you are married, I hope your anniversary will be happy. If you are not married, embrace your life. Happily single is quite possible, as evidenced by many people I know. If you are thinking about marrying a preacher … go for January.
