May 2019

May 17, 2019

Dear friend …

Acts 2 records that “when the day of Pentecost was fully come, the believers were all together in one place, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit.” From there they went to share the saving message of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Thousands believed the message and were baptized.

This year is our 70th anniversary of “The Gathering” (formerly referred to as camp meeting) at our beautiful district campground in St. Marys. It begins on Pentecost Sunday, June 9 at 6 p.m. Jonathan Burkey from Lima Community Church will be leading the worship music. Dr. David Busic, general superintendent, will be preaching. Following Dr. Busic’s message we have invited our pastors to have up to three persons from their church to be baptized.

Monday evening is Youth Night and NYC Send-Off Service. We love our youth! Similar to this we are very pleased to offer children’s services and nursery care throughout the week during the services.

Dr. Matt Friedeman will be speaking during the early part of the week. He is a professor at Wesley Biblical Seminary and pastor of a dynamic church in Jackson, MS. In addition he has written several books. He will challenge your mind and your heart.

On June 16 at 4 p.m. will be a very special event: A Celebration of Life and Family. Melissa Ohden will be our keynote speaker. Melissa is a “botched abortion” survivor. Her story is one of hope, forgiveness and love. In addition to Melissa we will hear from some of our NWO families who have opened their hearts and homes to children through adoption and foster care. You can read details about this by clicking links on this website.

Of course through the week there is so much more in regard to fun and fellowship. The pool will be open; there are many opportunities for recreation. The meals in the dining hall are delicious. The conversations with friends are enjoyable.

So … come to “The Gathering,” and may the Holy Spirit be welcomed among us.
