Northwestern Ohio District Church Of The Nazarene

MARK 16:15

“And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world
and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'”

Do you feel called?

NMI Catalyst 2024

NMI Handbook

Nazarene Missions International:


Nazarene Missions International (NMI) focuses on five strategic areas where the local church can have maximum impact on missions in the Church of the Nazarene. 

  • NMI gathers believers together for prayer in the local church, linking us to our brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe. 
  • The World Evangelism Fund combines gifts from each person and church to fund ministries everywhere, thereby fueling the Church of the Nazarene’s mission. 
  • Through the Alabaster Offeringministries around the world receive funs to purchase property and buildings. 
  • We want to engage children and youth by encouraging churches to involve them in all missions endeavors, and to nurture them as they seek to respond to God’s call.
  • LINKS strategically connects Nazarene missionaries and Nazarene churches through prayer, personal contact, and generous giving. 

The Church of the Nazarene has been global from its founding. The Church of the Nazarene is organized into six regions in 164 world areas. Each week, Nazarenes worship in more than 212 languages or tribal languages. To learn more about the church across the world, you can visit the different regional websites.

Monthly Missions Emphasis

If you’d like to keep missions in front of your congregation for the upcoming months, you can use the ideas and resources below to help increase awareness!

District Projects:

(District Work & Witness)

Upcoming Events:

There are no upcoming events at this time.

northwestern ohio nmi


(Photo credit: Paul Tshihamba, Imago Dei Media)

Ruth Reynard (’24)


Lauren Biggs (’24)

Vice President
A.C.T.I.O.N. & Jesus Film

nancy dunson (’24)

NMI Administrator

Larry Hammond


NMI Council Members


Child Sponsorship Coordinator

Louis Reindel

Work & Witness Coordinator

Julie Pottenger

School Pal Paks &
Crisis Care Kits


Lead Network Coordinator
Black Swamp Coordinator

Jennifer Brake

Compassionate Ministries
Central Coordinator


Synergy Coordinator

Sue Spring 

CLU Coordinator

Roxie Fiste

MARK Network Coordinator 

Kevin Young

Toledo Coordinator

Sharon Ike

Miami Valley Coordinator

Rachael Thomas

Council Member-at-Large

Jon Spyker

Council Member-at-Large

Jacob Pollard

Youth Media Coordinator
Council Member-at-Large

Deb Geis

Council Member-at-Large

Meet Felicien!

Felicien is the child NWO District Nazarene has sponsored through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.

Contact NWO NMI

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