Muchas Gracias

Jul 2, 2021

To receive without expressing thanks is the poorest of manners.  Last month we were looking at The Gathering in hope and prayer.  This month I look back with gratitude beyond words.  What an incredible week we had!!

THANK YOU to NWO worship teams, to children’s workers and youth leaders.

THANK YOU to pray-ers, givers, boosters, and encouragers.

THANK YOU to our kitchen staff for delicious meals, and our ROAMERs for (wo)manning the snack stand.

THANK YOU to all of the “behind the scenes” people who did the many “little” things that made it all come together. Molly, Nancy, Trish, Linda…the list goes on and on.

THANK YOU to our preachers, Dr. Charles Tillman, and Drs. Chuck and Carla Sunberg who gave of themselves wholeheartedly.  These tremendous messages are still available on YouTube at NWO NAZ or on Facebook at Lighthouse Camp and Retreat Center. 

THANK YOU to the Audio/Visual team that put it all together for both those in the tabernacle, and those who joined us from all over the country (and beyond).

THANK YOU to Pastors Dave Dooley and Ben Hartford for making sure our services were “put together” and ready to go. They are the best.

THANK YOU to Mr. Mark Dodds and his Facilities Team for having our grounds in absolutely beautiful and functional condition.

THANK YOU to Rev. Larry Fox and Kathy Phillips here in our office for so much behind the scenes that made the “up front” look good.

THANK YOU to Mona. She is amazing in her work as our Guest Services Facilitator. (And thanks for those who have expressed hope she would get a break after The Gathering, but there are still fourteen children’s youth camps, and two large family camps for the rest of the summer here. In the words of a song I told her “I will see you in September”.)

THANK YOU most of all to our LORD who graced us with His Presence, anointing, and favor.

 I am still plugging away with my Spanish.  I think the two words I like the most were those in the very first lesson: Muchas Gracias (Thank you very much.)

Te veo el próximo año (See you next year).

Hopefully sooner.
