Church Planting Churches
A training event to mobilize church pastors and leaders to multiply the church to reach Northwestern Ohio.
Three days: Monday – Wednesday, June 17-19 from 12:00-4:30 pm
Location: The NWO District Resource Center
Register Here: Church Planting Churches Registration
Healthy churches are the largest untapped resource for planting more healthy churches. This training is about harnessing the power of the mother-daughter relationship by equipping healthy churches to multiply. Every size of church can make a huge impact for the kingdom. Bring new life to your church through practical, proven principles of daughter church planting.
This training equips you to…
Determine the involvement of the sending church.
Answer fears and objections to church planting.
Develop a timeline for the new church.
Overcome common barriers in the new work.
Ensure continual productivity through leader multiplication.
Recruit a church planter and leadership.
Find resources needed to fund the daughter church.
Create your own personalized V.I.P. (Vision-Involvement-Plan).
Questions? Contact Mark Coulter at or Andy Monnin at or 937-570-3591.