Northwestern Ohio District Church Of The Nazarene

Evangelism multiplication Training

Mar 3, 2023

CAUTION… EMT training is dangerous:
It can bring life to you, your church, and your world!

  • Inspires leaders and laity alike to engage with Christ through prayer and evangelism to make disciples and plant churches
  • Teaches leaders and lay people why we should make multiplication a priority
  • Teachers how to engage pre-Christians from first encounter to Christian faith
  • Teaches how every believer can be involved in Church Planting
  • Provides effective tools and best practices for making Christlike disciples

In short, Evangelism Multiplication Training (EMT) will help you learn how to bring pre-Christians to Christ and health to your church, equipping each trainee with a Mission Action Plan (MAP) for micro and macro multiplication.

WHEN: March 28, 12:00-2:00pm & March 29, 10:00am-3:00pm
WHERE: The Valley Church (916 North Market St., Troy, OH 45373)

Click here to register online.