May 2017

May 1, 2017

Dear friends …

In only 50 days from today, The Gathering will kick off at our beautiful Lighthouse Camp and Retreat Center in St. Marys. From June 11-18 there will be worship services, recreational activities, business sessions, children’s activities and enjoyable interaction with friends from across our fine NWO District. The first service is Sunday, June 11, at 6 p.m.

Rev. Mike Adams will be preaching most of the evening services. Many of you know – and love – Mike. He is one of the most on-the-spot humorous, but effective, preacher-evangelists anywhere. For sure … we will be laughing and crying, and hearing God speak to us all at the same time.

Thursday evening, June 15, will be our Celebration of Ministry and Ordination. We have fine classes of ordinands and those receiving their first District Minister’s License. Dr. David Graves will be preaching that evening and will be leading our District Assembly on Friday, June 16. (Everyone is welcome to attend the District Assembly, even if not an elected delegate.)

We are so excited to have Todd and Amy Aebisheir speaking at our Global Missions Rally on Friday evening and at the Nazarene Missions International Convention on Saturday. They are tremendous.

This year, our Hymn Sing, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 18, will be led by Mark and Janene Dubbeld. The Dubbelds are in demand across the country and are known for their outstanding musical abilities and capacity to lead people in worship. They will be leading the music for our Closing Service at 6 p.m. on June 18, as well.

You can get more information on the flyer at The Gathering page on this website. I would ask you to PRAY, ATTEND and INVITE your friends and family to come with you. I look forward to seeing you!

Warmly yours in Christ,
Geoff Kunselman