The Ministry Development and Assessment Center is a required weekend for all NWO district-licensed ministers to help them discover their greatest gifts, develop as a leader, experience a collaborative peer learning environment, and be encouraged - all the while gaining a better understanding of their leadership style and providing self-aware of areas needed for growth and greater effectiveness. MDAC is a prerequisite step in the journey toward ordination. Both the candidate and spouse (if married) must participate in the entire weekend event. The weekend begins at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Friday and will go through Sunday at approximately noon. There is a significant amount of preparation for the event. An application for both the candidate and the spouse must be filled out ahead of the event, plus three separate assessments for both the candidate and the spouse. Email Chip Bullock at to register and receive the application. The applications as well as the assessments must be completed ahead of time, with a deadline of Monday, August 19.

Ministry Development and Assessment Center (MDAC)

• Additional Events •

Ministry Discovery and Assessment Center (MDAC)

Ministry Discovery and Assessment Center (MDAC)

Oct 10 - 12, 2025 @ 1:30 pm at Cross Oak Camp & Retreat Centerin Saint Marys, OH

The Ministry Discovery and Assessment Conference is a weekend for district-licensed ministers to help you discover your greatest gifts, develop you as a leader, provide peer learning and encouragement, all the while helping you gain a better understanding of your leadership style and providing self-aware of areas needed for growth and greater effectiveness. MDAC is a required step in the journey toward ordination.