Children’s Ministry Leader Connect
Quest Community ChurchConnect, Collaborate, and Celebrate Ministry to Children along with other leaders from our district.
Connect, Collaborate, and Celebrate Ministry to Children along with other leaders from our district.
Gold Weekend is a comprehensive event designed to enrich and equip the next generation of pastors in our tribe...building a solid foundation in Nazarene doctrine, theology, and church polity, as well as building practical ministry and leadership skills.
An free online training event for children's ministry partners available from KidzMatter Ministries.
Connect, Collaborate, and Celebrate Ministry to Children along with other leaders from our district.
The Global Leadership Summit was created to help us increase our leadership capacity so we can realize the dream of moving the team to reach the vision God has given us. This event gathers some of the best visionary leaders from around the world for two days of immersion in effective leadership strategies, profound insights, inspiring stories, and strategic collaboration and networking.
Join NWO District Children's Pastors and Leaders as they head to Evansville, Indiana from October 7-9, 2025 at the leading event for Children's Ministry Leaders and their teams.
The Ministry Discovery and Assessment Conference is a weekend for district-licensed ministers to help you discover your greatest gifts, develop you as a leader, provide peer learning and encouragement, all the while helping you gain a better understanding of your leadership style and providing self-aware of areas needed for growth and greater effectiveness. MDAC is a required step in the journey toward ordination.
This 2-1/2-day assessment is designed to evaluate future Church Planters & Campus Pastors’ readiness and capacity for launching new starts--either through church planting or through a multi-site approach.